[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: The essence of machine learning is function estimation


BigDataFr recommends: The essence of machine learning is function estimation

[…]Machine learning is cool. There is no denying in that. In this post we will try to make it a little uncool, well it will still be cool but you may start looking at it differently. Machine learning is not a black box. It is intuitive and this post is just to convey that.

If I give you this function f(x) = x^2 + log(x) and ask you to tell me what will be f(2), you will first laugh at me and then run away to do something important. This is trivial for you, right? If a function is there that maps inputs to outputs then it is very easy to get the output for any new input.

Machine learning helps you get a function that can map the input to the output. How does it do it? What is this function? We will try to answer such questions in the paragraphs below. […]

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By Manish Kumar Barnwal
Source: datasciencecentral.com

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