[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning as a Service – MLaaS


BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning as a Service – MLaaS

[…] MLaaS is neither new nor rocket science or an unknown service. In today’s time there are hundreds of companies in this domain which are working as a service provider of MLaaS (SPMLaaS). Machine learning is into so many services and applications as on date and we may not even aware of them or most of them. In the area of FinTech, Medical, Law and almost every service which needs/has repeated actions/steps every time has made use of it as a service knowingly or unknowingly. Feature engineering as an essential to applied machine learning. Using domain knowledge to strengthen your predictive model or prescriptive model out of prediction can be both difficult and expensive. To help fill the information gap on feature engineering, MLaaS hands-on can help and support beginning-to-intermediate data scientists how to work with this widely practiced phenomena. […]

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By Vinod Sharma
Source: datasciencecentral.com

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